Interractive Hexadecaphonic Sound Intallation
Sonic Tree is a metallic structure in a room of concrete, contrasting with the organic movements it incarnates. Its virtual neuron cells exchange electric signals, and its metallic cells propagate sound faster than in the air. Just like any tree, it offers a comforting shelter with the sounds of insects and the soft breeze in its leaves.
This sound installation features an autonomous audio dedicated programmable processor containing the algorithms for the real-time processing of audio signals. This processor allows controlling sixteen independent channels, each of them driving sixteen small active speakers distributed alongside the branches of the tree. A small piezoelectric contact microphone place at the top of the trunk allows amplifying the sounds produced by the movements of the metallic chains.
An artificial neural network has been implemented with sixteen neurons, each of them corresponding to one audio channel. The signal emitted by each neuron results from a matrix combination which coefficients reflect the sound interactions in the network. The original sound source comes from the contact microphone, and is processed by the neuron network for an effect of an organic movement through the branches of the tree.
Talking about Sonic Tree on Bela website
- June 2-25th 2022 – SONIC TREE – Nothing Happens until something moves, Exposition Renaissance, Le Commun, Genève CH
Synesthesia for the five senses, Multichannel Algorithmic Sound Installation by Daniel Maszkowicz November 28th – December 30th 2020December 11th 2020 – February 13th 2020 – SONIC TREE, Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk PL
Multichannel Algorithmic Sound Installation by Daniel Maszkowicz, vernissage28.11.202011.12.2020, online vernissage video- December 12th-19th 2019 – SONIC TREE, dé | re | composition, Forde – L’Usine, Geneva CH
algorithmes, images, sons, exposition double de Daniel Maszkowicz et Robert Turner Collective, video - April 28th-31th 2019 – SONIC TREE – 1/2 Seizaérienne de criquets, Deviant Art Festival, 2019, Geneva CH
Octophonic autonomous installation by Daniel Maszkowicz