Data Sonification

Sonification of Data in a very broad meaning for art and/or science purpose, including (but not exclusively) Scientific Data Sonification, Sonification of Concepts, Conferences Talks with Sound Examples and Sound Performance.


Data Sonification by Daniel Maszkowicz RöstiBrücke 2024
Electroacoustic Cabaret
Wurm Basel
credit Dorota Grajewska
  • May 18th 2024, Mapping Festival – Rituel Underground, Le Pneu, Vélodrome – Geneva
    Immersive Psychoacoustic Sound Performance
  • April 2nd – 20th 2024, China Vietnam Kosmos tour 2024
    Data Sonification performance in Hong Kong HK, Macau MO and Hanoï VN
  • → April 8th, Twenty Alpha, Hong Kong 香港 HK
  • → April 11th, Whisky Bar, Macau 澳門 MO
  • → April 20th, Harsh [REC], Hanoi Hà Nội VN
  • March 9th 2024, RöstiBrücke 2024 Electroacoustic Cabaret, Wurm – Basel
    Performative Conference on Data Noise
  • September 14th – 28th 2023, Data Sonification – Japan Tour September 2023
    Takamatsu, Okayama, Osaka, Tokushima, Chofu, Hiroshima, Sendai
  • → Sept 14th, TOONICE, Takamatsu JP
  • → Sept 15th, PepperLand, Okayama JP
  • → Sept 18th, environment 0g, Osaka JP
  • → Sept 19th, bar txalaparta, Tokushima JP
  • → Sept 25th, Cross, Chofu JP
  • → Sept 27th, JIMO.Cafe, Hiroshima JP
  • → Sept 28th, BirdLand, Sendai JP


When sound esthetics meet science and technology.

MasterClass on Data Sonification
IdeaSquare CERN Geneva
Mapping Festival 2024
photo credit Dorota Grajewska

  • May 18th 2024, Mapping Festival – Data Sonification Masterclass, IdeaSquare, CERN – Geneva
    Data Sonification in arts and Science
  • April 4th 2024 – Data Sonification and SuperCollider – Daniel Maszkowicz, A Bunch of Noise Festival, System, Shanghai CN
  • June 8th 2022 – Data Sonification in the arts and sciences – Daniel Maszkowicz, Renaissance – Exhibition, Le Commun, Geneva CH
    Talk with Music and Sound examples on the use of Scientific Data for multipurpose sonification
  • May 30th 2022 – Illusions optiques et sonores, Mapping Festival, Geneva CH
    Conférence performative avec Youri Messen-Jaschin et Daniel Maszkowicz
  • November 17th 2019 – On Data Sonification and its Broad Interpretation in Science, Art and Surveillance, Daniel Maszkowicz, Black Cloud – Kyiv Biennal, The House of Cinema, Kiev UA
    Conference and Workshop on Data Sonification with relation to surveillance and Big Data
  • Septembre 8th 2019 – On Data Sonification and its Broad Interpretation in Science and Art: An example using SuperCollider with ATLAS Open Data Bank from CERN, Dr. James Beacham and Dr. Daniel Siemaszko (aka Daniel Maszkowicz), International Symposium on Spatial Sound Arts, Platform-L, Seoul KR
    Talk featuring sound examples and an original multichannel sonification piece from CERN data


  • October 29th 2021 – EEG Data Sonification, by Daniel Maszkowicz
    Mostly Alpha wave taken in several place of sane subjects with closed eyes, full page

  • January 21th 2021 – Covid-19 Pandemic Reader, Data Sonification by Daniel Maszkowicz
    Algorithmic sound piece using one year of COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, Covid-19 Pandemic Reader is scanning the progression in each country and displays it both visually and sonically, offering a supplementary dimension in a sociological dimension, both esthethic and informative, full page


  • September 1st 2021 – Unwhorl, by Sam Lavigne and Mari Bastashevski, contribution to Data Sonification by Daniel Maszkowicz
    Interface for snails that converts any touch screen into an interactive plane for gastropods to play, paint, and share music and sketches in real time, full page
  • April 27th 2020 – No Fly Free Zone, by Sam Lavigne and Mari Bastashevski, contribution to Data Sonification by Daniel Maszkowicz
    Visualization and Sonification from IATA (International Air Transport Association) data related to airline restrictions due to Covid-19 pandemic, full page